Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 of the 11/11/11

 WOO HOO 11/11/11 11/11/11
 Went to Td's place then walked to PCYC to gym. Met Kt there lol. Went back to Td's then walked to Inala. Met David, Blake and Leon there but they didn't stay at Inala with us. Met up with Tanya and Loan later. So the four of us went to eat. Walked the girls home then Td and I showered at my place then went to church.

Went over to Mymy's and we were meant to practice our dance/movies but we just procrastinated and Youtubed. Went for dessert afterward at Just Soy Cafè. Mymy drove us and we had six people LOL. Linda, Td, Tanya, Loan, me and Mymy. Fitted 4 of us in the back. Drove and put our heads down when we saw a police car haha. Went for a walk around Sunnybank just to kill time. oh btw I made two wishes today. I needa go to the bank and check if one of them came true and the other wish was my little secret LOL

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