Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Boy Meet Girl

A day with no school today :) So my bro woke me up today thinking I have school but I didn't sigh. I wanted to sleep in but meh. Brought flights tickets for my grandpa who will be arriving in Brisbane tomorrow which means I will have to clean up my room and move out for the time being.

Went and took a nap later on then Td called me saying that he is outside and is picking me up to go to Inala with Jack and Toan. Sigh, I wanted to get some sleep, so I hurried and got changed then went to Inala. Chiled at Tony's with Jack and Td. Toan came then went in the resturant and saw Ronnie and his sister eating there too. I wasn't hungry so I just got something light to eat. Afterwards we chilled at Tony's for quite some time then Td and I went to take the bus home cause it was super duper humid and hot. Turns out our bus comes in 2 hours so we didn't want to wait so we walked home in this  burning heat. 

Played Sf with Td at my place then Toan came. Went over to Toan's to watch a movie but we only watched a bit then KFC we went but Toan went off somewhere so we only went with his sisters and Mymy.

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