Sunday, November 27, 2011

My My

Went shopping for more prizes with the youth group teacher. Most teachers showed up. Went around Inala to get toys from the cheapo stores then head to Sam's warehouse at Forest Lake to get more stuff. Went over to Thang's to do our banners and paint them. Chilled there for awhile then half of the group went home ( The oldies) then the rest went to Inala and wasted one good hour doing nothing there haha.We were deciding what to do LOL. 

More people left then the 6 of us went over to Mymy's to watch Rio. So cute !. We couldn't decide what to do next so Mymy was like I'll surprise you guys. We got to the park in 18 miles something and just played around there. Headed to Pumba's afterward to chill then back to Richards maccas like always.

Cousin came over at night and we talked about stuff. It was quite fun. Played around.

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