Monday, November 7, 2011

Like Birds

 ^Some weird as creature. Must be a mutant or some crap.
One exam down....5 more to go. Went to Inala afterward with Ronnie and we met Td there. We walked across this strange creature. It looks like a spider with a moth wings on it but i don't know what it was. I took a picture of it but it was gross. Was gonna touch it with something but I was scared that it could fly and land on me so we just walked away from it. Ate Maccas and chilled for awhile. Came across Thuan and Natalee at the bus stop then I went home. Got home and mum took me to Centrelink and then back to Inala. I really really wanted to sleep but I couldn't since she took me back to Inala and went and did her shopping. 

Two exams tomorrow and I should study now. Good luck guys

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