Monday, November 28, 2011

Pink Romance

Td and I went to city to see the Kpop flash mob. We met up with Mymy, Pumba and Linda and went around eating and drinking to kill time til the Flash mob started. It was pretty crappy. It wasn't really a flash mob cause it was planned heavily. Even the dance I'm doing right now is better then this but meh. Saw Ronnie, Lyhn and Hong there. Walked to South bank after and went to the rock pool. We dipped our feet in then Td and i decided to take our shirt and pants off and get fully wet. It felt so cool and good. Went and caught the 110 cause we didn't wanna leave Linda to go home by herself. It took ages to get back to Inala. Sorry My Bus Driver, your seat is abit wet LOL.

Td came over my place since both of us have a meeting at Maccas tonight. We took a nap then just chilled. Went to Maccas and ate then stayed there for 2.5 hours. It was abit boring since it was talk talk and talk. Of course there was other people there so we are not gay LOL. Just got home and I just remembered I have work tomorrow sigh.

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