Saturday, November 12, 2011

Flames of the Dragon God

 I have no plan on dying. I ain't gonna let anyone die. We're all going home together. Home to Fairy Tail.
Join together the flames of a dragon and the flames of a god! Dazzling Blaze... of the Dragon God !
Stayed home today and just sat on my lappy doing nothing. Trimmed my hair since mum was like you need to cut it. Went to Church and there was fireworks YAY. We had to wear our youth uniform and took care of the kids. Ate there and we (the group I went out with yesterday) went to Just Soy Cafè again LOL. But this time there was other people with us. Daniel, Hoa, Alan and Jacqueline

Brought deserts then walked over to maccas to eat there. We went back to Mymy's place but Alan and Jacqueline went home while us people just play Wii games. First it was Wii fit and it was hilarious then we went to Mario kart then Guirtar heroes. Daniel, Td and I walked over to Kevin's Le's house to see if he have just dance. Sadly he didn't but we chilled there for a bit. While going to Kle's we were being ganster LOL ahahah.

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