Wednesday, November 16, 2011


School today was so boring, all we did was chilled in our first two lesson and went to get our ticket to formal. Tony drove Thuan, Vinh and I to inala then we met Hoc, Alex and Kevin Le in the restaurant so we ate with them. Went home after and just chilled in the aircon.

Got ready to formal then Hoa and Vinh picked me up. Hopped in the car and saw Vinh wearing the exactly same shirt as me. Gee gee. He copied me first. Hoa drove us to Tien for $5 pp. Had the pre formal there. Took photos and ate then the limo arrives. Took more photos then we saw this kid from the next door neighbor trying to be a ninja taking photos of us. Afterward everyone went into 3 different limo. 

I was in the limo with Ronnie, Lyhn, Hong, Randy and Vinh. Got to the place and I tipped Mr Campbell $5 since he opened the door for us but he gave me the money back  so I forced him to take it by putting it in his pocket then running off. Got inside and chilled with Jack, Denne and Vinh.

The food was alright. Dance was squishy and tight but we danced. I was scared that I would step on a girl dress but I didn't. Chilled around and took photos. The awards came out for the best Photo bomber, Facebook addict, Drama King/Queen, Most famous etc. I got the Ninja award cause I'm a real Ninja hehehe. Took photos and dance and more dance. It was then time to go home so Tai drove Leon, Cindy and I home. Thank you Tai ! And now I'm at home blogging and regretting I didn't go to post. Well, too late now.

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