Friday, February 28, 2014


Today was Loner day #1 at Uni & City. First off, the first lecture in uni was short but omg, It was soo hard that I wanted to Seppukuuuuuu right after ! It was about maths and holy ! Didn't understand alot of the stuff. 
After that lecture, I decided to go to another lecture that I didn't have to cause I've already passed that subject at tafe but I went to it just to refresh my memory on what that subject was about. It was mostly about project management and I pretty much played games in that hour lecture :L 

After all the lectures, It was time to hunt for food. I was thinking about Miel's Burger but when I got there, Holyy ! The line was soo long so I went to Hanichi for curry but that line was super long too ! So sushi it was :) After filling my tummy up, I took the train to the Valley to go see my Chinese herbalist to get medicine and a check up on my wrist. Roamed around the Valley again while I was waiting for the appointment time. 

Came back to city to do some shopping for Mande's Birthday present but I didn't find any luck, Took a good look around Myers for Makeup and girls accessories but I have no clue about them. Bus'ed it back to Inala to drive Randy to Mt Om. We met up with Ronnie and Tp there and went shopping. Randy and I found two dresses and a cardigan for Mande thanks to the help of the nice worker at Ally. 

Came home and got prepared for church. Afterward, I picked up Randy and we went over to Mande's to chill and give her, her birthday presents. Happy Early Birthday Mandee ! Chlled and watched Pokemon with her sister before we headed over to Ronnie to go to Sunnybank for desserts and snacks. We ate at Crisy Express and Oops and it was fun ! Bumped into Tai, Denne, Leon, Hoa and Lien there and later bumped into Hong and Jasmine. 

We were meant to go home but we stopped by Funhouse for a quick game but we ended up staying there for awhile spending away our money ! :( It was fun though ! 

I've work tonight but I wanna stay up tonight since I haven't been home like all day ! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Early Start

8am Crew Yo ! 
Woke up super duper early for uni :( I HATE EARLY 8AM STARTS ! Before I got on the bus at Inala, The bus driver said the bus broke down cause something is wrong with the suspension so he called for another replacement bus that came after like 10 mins. The bus came and yaaay ! Free bus ride :) Lonely bus ride by myself but music can solve anything ! I got off at the Matter Hospital and was told to wait for Randy, Thien and Vy who were on a bus behind mine. 

They came and we walked accross the Goodwill Bridge together. Thien and I had the same lecture and omg, it was so boring ! That full two hours with a five minutes break in between killed me :( After the lecture, I met up with Randy, Lynn and Myvy and we ate abit together before heading to the study room that Tien booked out. Hannah was there already, studying by herself LOL. Chilled there for abit before I headed off to my Tutorials which was alright. Made two new friends there :) 

One of the guy loved Final Fantasy like me and another was another Vietamese guy who talked to me after the Tute ended. He's so small and he seems cool to chill with ! I went back to the studying room and chilled there for an hour and a half, tried to do some studying but Randy disrupt me alot LOL. Hong, Tien and Jenna came by afterward and we just chilled/study. 

At like 1ish, Myvy, Tien, Lynn, Jasmine and myself went to go eat at "Funny Funny" It was a Korean Resturant and the food was decent for the price. We walked back to the bus stop then Myvy and I caught the bus back home. Got to Inala and I got off and thorught the whole bus trip, I didn't know Cindy Nguyen was sitting behind me :L I was like omg ! Wow ! Drove her home and home I went after ! 

Didn't really do much at night, was meant to go Games night at Ronnie but I ended up going for a jog with mummy and daddy at Trung Tam with the Church Community. Another lecture tomorrow that I don't feel like going but I am dedicated in my studies this year ! No more slacking off ! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Before I headed into work today, I went back to Centrelink to tell them that I aren't getting my payments. The queue there was so long again ! Waited for two hours just to get my name called out zzz. Longest wait eva ! They said that I am not studying or anything and I need to find a job. I am like what the heck? showed them my ID and told them I studied on Monday already. 

So they sent me to this phone to call one of the higher ups and talk to them. The call took ages ! A lady answered and asked me questions which I answered back nicely. She then told me that I my payment was canceled cause I wasn't studying..... Studying in the year 2012, Second semester LOL. That was so long ago and I did study ! I then had to tell her my ID from Tafe and then my ID for QUT. It was so much hassle ! But in the end, everything worked out and she said my payment is back to normal and I should be getting money again :)

Work today was quite quiet. Nothing exciting happened today at Inala. I decided to stay home tonight instead of going out and pigging out with the group. Saving money but then again, no social life :L Found this cool iPad App for Uni thanks to Nhu. Thank you ! It will come in handy for tomorrow lectures ! Super duper early start tomorrow ! Hopefully I will be full of energy tomorrow but I doubt it :L 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Centreshit ! 
Nothing much happened today. I went to work in the morning and it was alright, spent most of the time studying my Personal Trainer Course and also looked through some lecture slides for Uni. Around 2:30pm-ish, I asked my uncle if I could go to Centrelink to asked them about why haven't I been getting any money for 2 months. 

While I was there, I found out that I hate that place so so much omg ! So I was told to sit down and wait like everyone. I sat there until it hit 4pm and I was like, wtf so I just left cause I had to get back to work. There wasn't much workers there too ! There was one point for like 5 minutes, no one was working there omfg ! They all went off for the short lunch break. And to add to it ! Like 10 people who came into Centrelink after me got their name called out before me ! W.T.F ! What happened to the queue? 

So pretty much, to sum this up, I was at Centrelink for an hour and a half doing nothing at all ! My phone also died so I just sat there waiting and ancipatiing for my name to be called out. Wasted valuable time of my life ! Time is money guise ! Also left my uncle to work for an hour and a half by himself. I HATE CENTRELINK WITH MY COLD BLOODED HEART ! </3

Came home and did one exams for PT and yaay ! Passed with flying colours ! Work again tomorrow and I don't feel like going to Centrelink again sighh. Might just call them up. 

Monday, February 24, 2014


Today was the day I took the first step to conquering University. But the first step of the first step was waking up early and getting ready to study again. I picked up Leon then we headed to Inala bus stop where we caught the bus to Uni. We got on the bus at 7:30am and we got off at 8:30am. Damn ! We were on the bus for an hour ! 

We walked across Goodwill bridge and it wasn't sunny, it was quite cold in-fact. Got to our first lecture quite early and sat at the back :L This lecture was about Maths and omg, it was so boring that Leon even slept :L That hour and a half was long ! Alot of people were taking notes down while I just sat there with my iPad :L 

After the first lecture, I went to get Sushi and Leon went to cook up his food then we started to find a place to sit and eat. The closest was some seats so we sat there for like two mins until I saw Linda and Vinson ! She told us that the place we were sitting at was the smoking area LOL. We then moved to another area to enjoy our food. Met up with Praya (Tafe student with us back then) and chilled at the Library for abit before we met up with Tai. 

We took Tai to Miel's Burger so he could try it out then played a few games at Timezone before we headed back to our other lecture. This lecture was alot better than the first ! It was interesting and funny aswell ! I love this lecturer ! He's one heck of a funny dude ! It was a long lecture but it wasn't boring ! We went to the bookshop after to get some notepads then off to the bus we went ! Home time ! 

That's pretty much sum up my first day of Uni. Now, time for a two days gap until I go back to conquer more of that place. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Running Man - Australia

Woke up at 4am and omg, the struggles of waking up so early when you slept at 1am ! It was kinda cold-ish at that time. Got ready and stuffed myself with an Up & Go for some super energy in the early morning. Ronnie arrived quite shortly after I got ready and drove us off to the airport ! The Running Man hunting crew consist of Ronnie, Myself, Mande, Vinh and Neilson. It was our time to shine and hunt down these Korean Running Man's who has infiltrate our country ! STRAYA C*NT !

When we arrived, we thought we were abit early but damn ! The crowd of asians was everywhere ! It wasn't really empty and it also wasn't super packed. While waiting for them famous people to come, I got a text from my brother asking me to tell my parents that he's going to the airport to pick up someone from America. I was like wtf, "I am at the airport too !" He then said "wtf" and it just got awkward LOLOL. 

While waiting, alot of white people came out from the international airplanes into the terminal and faced a crowd of screaming asians. They must had been like "wtf" and kinda piss aswell but ohwell, The airport is now part of the asian territory. 

A long wait took place and then bam ! SCREAMS EVERYWHERE ! I SAW THEM ! OMG ! RUNNING MAAAAN ! They looked so coool and awesome ! My life is complete now ! I can rest in peace ! Didn't get to see Ji Hyo though cause she couldn't make it early and had to come later :( I WANTED TO SEE HER SO BAD !! Oh well, the other members was good ! 

Before we headed home, we went for a quick breakfast run at maccas cause our budget didn't allow us to get anything else. Came home and prepared for Thieu Nhi. Taught the little kids again and it was tiring but fun ! They are so kyoooot ! We had a short meeting after Thieu Nhi which was good. 

I went back for a second trip to see them Running Man with Hoa, Binh and Vi Dang. Drove all the way to Gold Coast and to Palm Beach and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. We mainly waited for the Sanctuary and them, we saw their cars and everything. Alot of people were waiting with us. Even Danh and his siblings were there. We waited and waited and saw them set up cameras and Mic around the area. Also saw them setting up a stage there too ! 

More waiting and more waiting then bam ! We show that bus that carried the Running Man members but when they were about to get off, they took a detour and we think they took the back exit into the Sanctuary while we were stuck outside cause we didn't have enough time to pay and go in as Hoa and Vi had to be home before 6 and the drive back takes like an hour and a half :( Didn't see them but oh well, it was still fun ! 
Came home to dinner with my mummy, brother and his girlfriend. It was okay ish. Omg, I am tired and gotta sleep early tonight ! Got University for the first time tomorrow ! I can't afford to fall alsspe on the first lectures and workshop ! Gotta be strong and stay awake ! Also FOCUS !!

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Work was much better today ! Thank you Mr Sunnie for going away ! Please don't come back anytime soon though. The boring-ness was worse but oh well, I just sat there thinking about the whole universe and how I could conquer it ! I didn't really do much today. Just home all night with Miss Com (Computer) and Mrs Paddy (iPad).

Tomorrow might be a busy day. Gotta wake up super early and leave at 5am to go to the airport with a few of the guys to meet my Korean Family. 

Friday, February 21, 2014


Today was so humid and I was stuck at work ! Thank god we have air-con & fans at work ! Even though the air-con just flew away outside, it was better than nothing ! Randy and I took a quick break and went to woolies to buy stuff, also window shopped at EB Games cause we want games ! 

Came home and prepared for church. It was also hot in church but the hand fan that mummy bought was a hero ! Afterward, a couple of Thieu Nhi people, Mainly the BQT plus two laddies took the priest out for dinner and dessert. We ate at this new restaurant that doesn't have a name or maybe, I just didn't pay attention to the name. The food was good ! Some of the waitress was Vietnamese and I didn't know about it until she talked to me ! SHE TALKED TO ME ! I AM IN !!

Had ALOT of Ice-cream after and I bumped into Anna Mai and Thanh whilst walking to the toilet cause I cannot hold my pee pee in any longer. Had a short talk with them before I left to the pee pee :L 

Brother dropped me home afterward so he could go to his girlfriend place. I didn't bring my keys and he said that our parents were at home. Nek minnut, No one was at home and I was locked outside my house :( FML. Called my parents and none of them picked up so I decided to go on an adventure around mah streets and the streets of the good old Inala Town.

Walked past Trung Tam and sold my parents car there and yaaay ! Walked inside and daddy was playing Chinese chess with a priest :L Cha Hong was good ! Other men and mummy was watching them play. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sleepless No-more

No more of this ^
I stayed home today so the air-conditioner man can come in and check up on one of our air-cons. We have like one for every single room :L Mmm, I think we have seven air-cons at home....isn't that too much? LOL
Didn't really do much at home besides chores, games, anime, movie, browsing the net like a stalker and clean my room ish ! 

I'm going to implement my early sleeping experiment now to change my sleeping pattern. I've got a few days to complete this but I CAN and I WILL !  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here with me

Those eyes ! 

18/02/2014 - Tuesday

Stayed home with mummy all day and did pretty much nothing :L Later on in the night, I picked Randy and Tp up for Ice staking with most of the group. Ice staking is always enjoyable for me ! I just love feeling the wind and that speed ! Also tried to practice my 180 Jump and I am getting the hand of it. 

After the session, some of the guys were hungry and we went to Market Square to grab Dinner/Dessert. We tried the Deep Fried Ice cream at Oops and it was alright. It was big though but it's quite exxy ! Came home and I felt tired and also had to wake up early tomorrow so I didn't think I should blog and just sleeeep my way ! Couldn't sleep though :( 

19/02/2014 - Wednesday

I woke up super early to go to University for my Orientation. I decided to walk to the Bus stop near KFC to save money and be fit ! When I got there, I missed the bus by 30 seconds :( Had to wait in the god damn burning sun for another 15 minutes ! And omg, The bus that I got on was so packed that I had to stand up for the whole trip. Met Leon on the bus and off to QUT we went ! 

We took the walk across the Goodwill? Bridge since everyone says it's faster ! The sun was cray cray today ! I think I turned into a dark-skinned asian now. First time at the Oreintation was the free pancakes ! We ate them ! Onomnomnom ! While eating, we bumped into Kyie there. Kyie was another friend that graduate with us at Tafe. 

We rushed to S block to go into our QUT Connect class. It was alright. We played mini games whilst learning about Uni and meeting other people who could be potential friends later on in the 4 years. The tour around Uni was okay cause the stupid sun didn't disappear ! 

Afterward, all the Freshman Engineering students had to go attend this lecture which was so boring that Leon slept :L We wagged it abit in the end cause we've already know all of these information already. Went to get $2 lunch and met Randy there. We ate until Hoa, Vinh and Oscar came to join. Got our free T-Shirts and I managed to rub away the mark so easily. Wow ! We bummed at Uni to get freebies until Hoa and Oscar had to go to their Orientation. 

Afterward, we took the shuttle bus to KG. Rested in the Library there for like an hour :L Td came and we just chilled. Got another free shirt at KG :) I am going to come back for more shirts ! Bus'ed it back to the city so we can go home ! 

I regret not walking to the bus stop in the morning cause I had to walk home in that heat ! It was cray cray ! 

Monday, February 17, 2014


DAMN ! If only Alexia looks as beautiful as her ! 
Today wasn't very productived as I planned it to be. Was home all day playing games and watching anime. I told myself not to fall asleep but I did and woke up late to do some chores :( I was meant to clean my room but I didn't ! Now, I gotta do that tomorrow ! Gotta stop being a lazy bum Lammie ! I also need to wash Alexia (Mah car) since she is getting dirty ! Need to give her a nice clean shower soon ! Also need to cleans her inside too ;) 

After dinner tonight, Mummy and I went for walks around the church with the some other adults who are walking there too ! After a few laps of walking, I left my mummy with the others and ran off by myself ! Did a couple of laps whilst jogging ! STAY FIT AND ACTIVE GUISE ! It's good for your health ! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Den sen

Yum !
First day back at Thieu Nhi today and damn ! It was hectic ! I was put into the admin team which consit of collecting forms, money and filling in the excel word file ! So much parents came and it was so hectic and busy ! Also confusing at the same time too ! 

When we all gathered, I was introduced as one of the big five zzz I don't wanna be one of them but oh well ! Also was introduced as the Head Teacher of Tuoi Tho (Pink group). Tuoi Tho conist of grade ones and twos. There wasn't much of them today. Only 16 :) Good for one class ! Introduced myself and set rules for them. Also found out they prefer me talking in viet than English :L haha 

They are cuties ! We have this one kid named "Sonic" (I know right, that's an awesome namee!) He's a pretty troublesome kid atm, kept running around and doing whatever he wants ! The little girls are cute and they listen to mee ! LG Slayer right here ! nah jokes ! 

After Thieu Nhi, we had a meeting but I had to leave early to go to the Valley with my parents and step grandma. Well, we were meant to go together but they dropped me off at the Valley alone and headed to Dfo and the airport to drop of my step grandma who is heading back to Melbourne. 

I was forever alone in the Valleeeey ! Went to get Chinise herb and medicine for my wrist then chilled and ate at Boost alone :( Walked around the valley exploring and just chilling until my parents was done shopping so they can come and pick me up on the way home. Before we got home, we dropped by Officeworks for a few stationary for my daddy and I. 

Church later on at night then I went to eat Milany with Nam's family. Kien also came alone ! The icecream was so yummy but I think we over bought too much. Couldn't finish it even though it was ice cream :( I can always finish ice cream but today was a nup ! We chilled and talk about many things ! Good night I must say ! 

Another week of holidays until Uni starts ! Gotta start preparing my mental state and mind for it ! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tuoi Tho

Work today was pretty chill. Ronnie, Mande, Tp came out to chill. We just talked and muck around until Randy and I had customers :( After work, I instantly did my Tuoi Tho (Pink group) Timetable for Thieu Nhi since I am the Boss of the pinks :L Took me awhile to do it. After I finished, I called for a Tuoi Tho meeting. 

I decided to go eat desserts and discuss matters :) Always need food to talk ! We went to JustSoy Cafe and Maccas across the street. It was a good talk ! Well, it was more like a meeting but still fun nevertheless.

First day of Thieu Nhi tomorrow and I still have jobs to finish right now but I am soo damn lazy after having desserts :( Someone do my work for meeee ! I better start sleeping early from now on so I can get this stupid sleeping pattern away from me ! Gotta brace myself for Uniiiii ! 

I just found out I am really poor ! Checked my bank account and omg ! whyyy?! Gotta start saving up soon ! 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Family, Be mine !

Happy Valentine guys ! I spent my special day with work today ! She was so boring but then again, she has money and she is willing to give me money if I stayed with her :) During spending time with "Work" I had to leave her and go to see another bitch. Her name was Centrelink ! I hate that bitch ! Always calling me to go see her for nothing. 

After I saw her, she said she was sorry and that she wasn't meant to make an appointment with me and I could go ! Wtf, I waited for her for like 30 mins ! Zzzz. Anyhow, work was boring today ! 

Came home and pretty much chilled. Got a couple of invites from Forever alone boys calling me to come out and spent the night with them but I felt like staying home so I rejected their offers. Also got an offer from Randy and TP to chill with them too and drink but nope ! Stayed home :)

 Later on at like 9ish, I got a text from Randy saying that he's drunk and needs a lift home. I came over and he wasn't drunk at all ! Made me leave my house ! Whyyy!? That was their only plan to get me to come over to TP's to chill with theeem ! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love Medley

Today seems pretty productive :) Mande, Ronnie and myself bus'ed it to the University to hand in our TTCP forms. It was really fast ! They took me around a small tour to places and told me about stuff that I should know ! Thank you for the advice on how to live the uni lifee ! Afterward, we went to visit Anthony at Chatime and bought drinks there ! He surprised us with a few unique recipes. 

Had cheap Japanese Lunch before Ronnie and I headed up to Funhouse to play while Mande went to get her valentine day gift. It was a fun/chill/third wheeling day. I came home and took a quick nap again :( I needa stop taking naps so I could adjust to uni life faster ! No more nappies for you Lammie ! 

Anthony came over during the night and we decided to go to gym but before that, we headed over to Nam's to grab something. When we arrived, we bumped into Hiep there who is also going over there to grab something :L Chilled there for awhile until Vi came :L Wow ! So many people going over to Nam's placeee ! 
 Tomorrow is Valentine daaaay ! and guess what!? I will be spending it with a special someone ! I will tell you tomorrow hehe ! That someone name starts with W and her last night starts with a G. Unique name aye ! Maybe, it's her nickname ! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't Hold Us

Spent my day cleaning my room and watching a few animes. There was nothing to eat today so I cooked myself two eggs for lunch :) and also a can of tuna :L Cause I am a lazy bum ! At night, I went to dinner with my family, Step-grandma and Huy's family. We ate at Buffet Garden. at Sunnybank... I am so sick of that place ! :(  When I went to grab food, there was new food there ! It seems like there is a new owner aswell ! It tasted better than before I think or maybe the food is different and I ain't sick of it :L

We ended up playing at Funhouse after then back to mine to chill and talk. My brother also brought his girlfriend over ;) But I spent my time playing games with Huy and letting the adults deal with her haha. Got an email from QUT saying that I gotta fill out this transport form and hand it back to them :( Now I gotta make another trip to Uni ! Might go tomorrow if I don't feel lazy ! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


7/02/2014 - Friday
After work, I went to my aunty's mother funeral ish church. Afterward, I took my cousins, Nam, Steven, Khang and Huy out for dinner at Little Taipei for steaks. We bumped into Linh and Vincent there. Chilled at pool afterward before I took Steven home. He lives in Carindale :( So far ! We chilled at his place and talked to his mummy for awhile before we set sail to home ! 
8/02/2014 - Saturday
After work, I went over to Trung Tam for our training day. It was alright. We went to church with our uniform on... not awkward at all :L Had dinner at Anh Long's place then back to training. Chilled and talked alot too ! We gambled over there before we slept there. I didn't sleep cause I am tank so allnight is what I do ! Also messed around with people who slept hehe. Went for a 4am maccas run and chiled before it was time to wake the others up.
9/02/2014 - Sunday
After waking them up, we headed to Inala to get food for our Bbq at Mt Cootha. It was pretty chilled. We also did some studying there too ! I came home to a party at mine and it was alright. We played Bingo and I loss $ :(
10/02/2014 - Monday
Stayed home all day and spent my precious time watching movies and took a good refreshing nap :) During the night, My family took the two priests out for dinner at Little Lamb. Came back to mine and gambled awaaay ! I won alot this time :) 
11/02/2014 - Tuesday
Nothing productive happened today except for the fate that I got a haircut. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sun Wukong

Today seems to be a fun day ! Firstly, I dropped Daddy off at work then came home to play two LoL games with Mande and we loss both of them :( We needed to grab breakfast so she picked up me afterward and we headed to Maccas for breakfast there ! Also ordered food for Randy and Ronnie. 

She dropped me home so I could grab my car and pick up Randy. We met up at Ronnie's place to eat our yummy breakfast :) Chilled for abit until we decided to go shopping at Dfo in Jindalee. We decided to take Mande's car and I drove it ! It was so smooth ! Plus, its also an hybrid ! Tried the manual there and it was easy pesy ! Still love driving auto though !

We didn't really buy much today, most of the time spent was on window shopping and chilling since we were poorbies ! Took them to Corinda Tavern to have lunch and it was nice. We also drove past our old school and damn, it has changed. Felt like a jail now and the green bags was HAHAHAHA SO GREEEEN !

We went back to Ronnie's to chill for awhile until we all part ways. Later on during the night, I took my two cousins, Thu and Tai out to watch the "Monkey King", we came late so we missed out on the beginning :( The storyline went past too quick and the movie was okay. Wasn't that great to be honest. Ate at Mos Burger then Berry Me afterward for dessert. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I didn't really do much today. Woke up to doing chores such as vacumming the whole house and washing the dishes. Watched alot of the Originals then went on the hunt for food but there wasn't much to eat :(
Took a good nap during the day :) 

During the night, we had a small Thieu Nhi meeting at mine to look at timetables and discuss a few problems. The meeting went on for like 3 hours but most of the time, we were just talking about other things. I gotta drive them guys home but they wanted food :( Stopped by 7 Eleven to grab some muchies ! Forgot I was in boxers and singlet LOL. Everyone looked at me ! Looks like I was king of Inala !  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Year of The Horse !

30/01/2014 - Thursday

- Work (Boring)
- Church (Outside and Fireworks !! )
-KFC with mah Family and two distant nephews who are refugees. 
-Temple (It's the same as everywhere ! Chilled with the same people too !)

31/01/2014 - Friday

-Stayed home and bummed all day until Church. Afterward, I went to my cousins place for a party and also gambled ! Won first in Bingo :) 

01/02/2014 - Saturday

-Work was arghhh then church afterward and just stayed home. 

02/02/2014 - Sunday

Spent my day at home watching Vampires Diaries. Had church at night so I missed out on John's Kbbq dinner but I managed to chill with them guys afterward at Tony's for a drink up and chill session. 

03/02/2014 - Monday

It was a kinda productive day today. Hoa, Leon and I went to QUT today to get our Id's. The line for it was so long ! It was like an hour wait :( We were hungry but we wanted the ID's more than foood ! Also loss at Cas with Hoa but at least we got free parking there. We had lunch at Miel's Premium Homemade Burger and Vinh also joined us. It was awesome ! 

Headed to Inala afterward and bumped into Tony, Hieu and Randy there. Chilled at Tien's workplace for a while before I headed home for a nap. 

04/02/2014 - Tuesday

Did my Green P's exam again today and passed ! YAAAY ! No errors occurred today. Didn't really do anything today except for cleaning up. Oh and I started watching "The Originals" and it's good !