Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't Hold Us

Spent my day cleaning my room and watching a few animes. There was nothing to eat today so I cooked myself two eggs for lunch :) and also a can of tuna :L Cause I am a lazy bum ! At night, I went to dinner with my family, Step-grandma and Huy's family. We ate at Buffet Garden. at Sunnybank... I am so sick of that place ! :(  When I went to grab food, there was new food there ! It seems like there is a new owner aswell ! It tasted better than before I think or maybe the food is different and I ain't sick of it :L

We ended up playing at Funhouse after then back to mine to chill and talk. My brother also brought his girlfriend over ;) But I spent my time playing games with Huy and letting the adults deal with her haha. Got an email from QUT saying that I gotta fill out this transport form and hand it back to them :( Now I gotta make another trip to Uni ! Might go tomorrow if I don't feel lazy ! 

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