Tuesday, February 11, 2014


7/02/2014 - Friday
After work, I went to my aunty's mother funeral ish church. Afterward, I took my cousins, Nam, Steven, Khang and Huy out for dinner at Little Taipei for steaks. We bumped into Linh and Vincent there. Chilled at pool afterward before I took Steven home. He lives in Carindale :( So far ! We chilled at his place and talked to his mummy for awhile before we set sail to home ! 
8/02/2014 - Saturday
After work, I went over to Trung Tam for our training day. It was alright. We went to church with our uniform on... not awkward at all :L Had dinner at Anh Long's place then back to training. Chilled and talked alot too ! We gambled over there before we slept there. I didn't sleep cause I am tank so allnight is what I do ! Also messed around with people who slept hehe. Went for a 4am maccas run and chiled before it was time to wake the others up.
9/02/2014 - Sunday
After waking them up, we headed to Inala to get food for our Bbq at Mt Cootha. It was pretty chilled. We also did some studying there too ! I came home to a party at mine and it was alright. We played Bingo and I loss $ :(
10/02/2014 - Monday
Stayed home all day and spent my precious time watching movies and took a good refreshing nap :) During the night, My family took the two priests out for dinner at Little Lamb. Came back to mine and gambled awaaay ! I won alot this time :) 
11/02/2014 - Tuesday
Nothing productive happened today except for the fate that I got a haircut. 

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