Friday, February 21, 2014


Today was so humid and I was stuck at work ! Thank god we have air-con & fans at work ! Even though the air-con just flew away outside, it was better than nothing ! Randy and I took a quick break and went to woolies to buy stuff, also window shopped at EB Games cause we want games ! 

Came home and prepared for church. It was also hot in church but the hand fan that mummy bought was a hero ! Afterward, a couple of Thieu Nhi people, Mainly the BQT plus two laddies took the priest out for dinner and dessert. We ate at this new restaurant that doesn't have a name or maybe, I just didn't pay attention to the name. The food was good ! Some of the waitress was Vietnamese and I didn't know about it until she talked to me ! SHE TALKED TO ME ! I AM IN !!

Had ALOT of Ice-cream after and I bumped into Anna Mai and Thanh whilst walking to the toilet cause I cannot hold my pee pee in any longer. Had a short talk with them before I left to the pee pee :L 

Brother dropped me home afterward so he could go to his girlfriend place. I didn't bring my keys and he said that our parents were at home. Nek minnut, No one was at home and I was locked outside my house :( FML. Called my parents and none of them picked up so I decided to go on an adventure around mah streets and the streets of the good old Inala Town.

Walked past Trung Tam and sold my parents car there and yaaay ! Walked inside and daddy was playing Chinese chess with a priest :L Cha Hong was good ! Other men and mummy was watching them play. 

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