Monday, February 17, 2014


DAMN ! If only Alexia looks as beautiful as her ! 
Today wasn't very productived as I planned it to be. Was home all day playing games and watching anime. I told myself not to fall asleep but I did and woke up late to do some chores :( I was meant to clean my room but I didn't ! Now, I gotta do that tomorrow ! Gotta stop being a lazy bum Lammie ! I also need to wash Alexia (Mah car) since she is getting dirty ! Need to give her a nice clean shower soon ! Also need to cleans her inside too ;) 

After dinner tonight, Mummy and I went for walks around the church with the some other adults who are walking there too ! After a few laps of walking, I left my mummy with the others and ran off by myself ! Did a couple of laps whilst jogging ! STAY FIT AND ACTIVE GUISE ! It's good for your health ! 

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