Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Before I headed into work today, I went back to Centrelink to tell them that I aren't getting my payments. The queue there was so long again ! Waited for two hours just to get my name called out zzz. Longest wait eva ! They said that I am not studying or anything and I need to find a job. I am like what the heck? showed them my ID and told them I studied on Monday already. 

So they sent me to this phone to call one of the higher ups and talk to them. The call took ages ! A lady answered and asked me questions which I answered back nicely. She then told me that I my payment was canceled cause I wasn't studying..... Studying in the year 2012, Second semester LOL. That was so long ago and I did study ! I then had to tell her my ID from Tafe and then my ID for QUT. It was so much hassle ! But in the end, everything worked out and she said my payment is back to normal and I should be getting money again :)

Work today was quite quiet. Nothing exciting happened today at Inala. I decided to stay home tonight instead of going out and pigging out with the group. Saving money but then again, no social life :L Found this cool iPad App for Uni thanks to Nhu. Thank you ! It will come in handy for tomorrow lectures ! Super duper early start tomorrow ! Hopefully I will be full of energy tomorrow but I doubt it :L 

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