Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sun Wukong

Today seems to be a fun day ! Firstly, I dropped Daddy off at work then came home to play two LoL games with Mande and we loss both of them :( We needed to grab breakfast so she picked up me afterward and we headed to Maccas for breakfast there ! Also ordered food for Randy and Ronnie. 

She dropped me home so I could grab my car and pick up Randy. We met up at Ronnie's place to eat our yummy breakfast :) Chilled for abit until we decided to go shopping at Dfo in Jindalee. We decided to take Mande's car and I drove it ! It was so smooth ! Plus, its also an hybrid ! Tried the manual there and it was easy pesy ! Still love driving auto though !

We didn't really buy much today, most of the time spent was on window shopping and chilling since we were poorbies ! Took them to Corinda Tavern to have lunch and it was nice. We also drove past our old school and damn, it has changed. Felt like a jail now and the green bags was HAHAHAHA SO GREEEEN !

We went back to Ronnie's to chill for awhile until we all part ways. Later on during the night, I took my two cousins, Thu and Tai out to watch the "Monkey King", we came late so we missed out on the beginning :( The storyline went past too quick and the movie was okay. Wasn't that great to be honest. Ate at Mos Burger then Berry Me afterward for dessert. 

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