Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Year of The Horse !

30/01/2014 - Thursday

- Work (Boring)
- Church (Outside and Fireworks !! )
-KFC with mah Family and two distant nephews who are refugees. 
-Temple (It's the same as everywhere ! Chilled with the same people too !)

31/01/2014 - Friday

-Stayed home and bummed all day until Church. Afterward, I went to my cousins place for a party and also gambled ! Won first in Bingo :) 

01/02/2014 - Saturday

-Work was arghhh then church afterward and just stayed home. 

02/02/2014 - Sunday

Spent my day at home watching Vampires Diaries. Had church at night so I missed out on John's Kbbq dinner but I managed to chill with them guys afterward at Tony's for a drink up and chill session. 

03/02/2014 - Monday

It was a kinda productive day today. Hoa, Leon and I went to QUT today to get our Id's. The line for it was so long ! It was like an hour wait :( We were hungry but we wanted the ID's more than foood ! Also loss at Cas with Hoa but at least we got free parking there. We had lunch at Miel's Premium Homemade Burger and Vinh also joined us. It was awesome ! 

Headed to Inala afterward and bumped into Tony, Hieu and Randy there. Chilled at Tien's workplace for a while before I headed home for a nap. 

04/02/2014 - Tuesday

Did my Green P's exam again today and passed ! YAAAY ! No errors occurred today. Didn't really do anything today except for cleaning up. Oh and I started watching "The Originals" and it's good ! 

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