Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here with me

Those eyes ! 

18/02/2014 - Tuesday

Stayed home with mummy all day and did pretty much nothing :L Later on in the night, I picked Randy and Tp up for Ice staking with most of the group. Ice staking is always enjoyable for me ! I just love feeling the wind and that speed ! Also tried to practice my 180 Jump and I am getting the hand of it. 

After the session, some of the guys were hungry and we went to Market Square to grab Dinner/Dessert. We tried the Deep Fried Ice cream at Oops and it was alright. It was big though but it's quite exxy ! Came home and I felt tired and also had to wake up early tomorrow so I didn't think I should blog and just sleeeep my way ! Couldn't sleep though :( 

19/02/2014 - Wednesday

I woke up super early to go to University for my Orientation. I decided to walk to the Bus stop near KFC to save money and be fit ! When I got there, I missed the bus by 30 seconds :( Had to wait in the god damn burning sun for another 15 minutes ! And omg, The bus that I got on was so packed that I had to stand up for the whole trip. Met Leon on the bus and off to QUT we went ! 

We took the walk across the Goodwill? Bridge since everyone says it's faster ! The sun was cray cray today ! I think I turned into a dark-skinned asian now. First time at the Oreintation was the free pancakes ! We ate them ! Onomnomnom ! While eating, we bumped into Kyie there. Kyie was another friend that graduate with us at Tafe. 

We rushed to S block to go into our QUT Connect class. It was alright. We played mini games whilst learning about Uni and meeting other people who could be potential friends later on in the 4 years. The tour around Uni was okay cause the stupid sun didn't disappear ! 

Afterward, all the Freshman Engineering students had to go attend this lecture which was so boring that Leon slept :L We wagged it abit in the end cause we've already know all of these information already. Went to get $2 lunch and met Randy there. We ate until Hoa, Vinh and Oscar came to join. Got our free T-Shirts and I managed to rub away the mark so easily. Wow ! We bummed at Uni to get freebies until Hoa and Oscar had to go to their Orientation. 

Afterward, we took the shuttle bus to KG. Rested in the Library there for like an hour :L Td came and we just chilled. Got another free shirt at KG :) I am going to come back for more shirts ! Bus'ed it back to the city so we can go home ! 

I regret not walking to the bus stop in the morning cause I had to walk home in that heat ! It was cray cray ! 

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