Friday, February 28, 2014


Today was Loner day #1 at Uni & City. First off, the first lecture in uni was short but omg, It was soo hard that I wanted to Seppukuuuuuu right after ! It was about maths and holy ! Didn't understand alot of the stuff. 
After that lecture, I decided to go to another lecture that I didn't have to cause I've already passed that subject at tafe but I went to it just to refresh my memory on what that subject was about. It was mostly about project management and I pretty much played games in that hour lecture :L 

After all the lectures, It was time to hunt for food. I was thinking about Miel's Burger but when I got there, Holyy ! The line was soo long so I went to Hanichi for curry but that line was super long too ! So sushi it was :) After filling my tummy up, I took the train to the Valley to go see my Chinese herbalist to get medicine and a check up on my wrist. Roamed around the Valley again while I was waiting for the appointment time. 

Came back to city to do some shopping for Mande's Birthday present but I didn't find any luck, Took a good look around Myers for Makeup and girls accessories but I have no clue about them. Bus'ed it back to Inala to drive Randy to Mt Om. We met up with Ronnie and Tp there and went shopping. Randy and I found two dresses and a cardigan for Mande thanks to the help of the nice worker at Ally. 

Came home and got prepared for church. Afterward, I picked up Randy and we went over to Mande's to chill and give her, her birthday presents. Happy Early Birthday Mandee ! Chlled and watched Pokemon with her sister before we headed over to Ronnie to go to Sunnybank for desserts and snacks. We ate at Crisy Express and Oops and it was fun ! Bumped into Tai, Denne, Leon, Hoa and Lien there and later bumped into Hong and Jasmine. 

We were meant to go home but we stopped by Funhouse for a quick game but we ended up staying there for awhile spending away our money ! :( It was fun though ! 

I've work tonight but I wanna stay up tonight since I haven't been home like all day ! 

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