Monday, February 24, 2014


Today was the day I took the first step to conquering University. But the first step of the first step was waking up early and getting ready to study again. I picked up Leon then we headed to Inala bus stop where we caught the bus to Uni. We got on the bus at 7:30am and we got off at 8:30am. Damn ! We were on the bus for an hour ! 

We walked across Goodwill bridge and it wasn't sunny, it was quite cold in-fact. Got to our first lecture quite early and sat at the back :L This lecture was about Maths and omg, it was so boring that Leon even slept :L That hour and a half was long ! Alot of people were taking notes down while I just sat there with my iPad :L 

After the first lecture, I went to get Sushi and Leon went to cook up his food then we started to find a place to sit and eat. The closest was some seats so we sat there for like two mins until I saw Linda and Vinson ! She told us that the place we were sitting at was the smoking area LOL. We then moved to another area to enjoy our food. Met up with Praya (Tafe student with us back then) and chilled at the Library for abit before we met up with Tai. 

We took Tai to Miel's Burger so he could try it out then played a few games at Timezone before we headed back to our other lecture. This lecture was alot better than the first ! It was interesting and funny aswell ! I love this lecturer ! He's one heck of a funny dude ! It was a long lecture but it wasn't boring ! We went to the bookshop after to get some notepads then off to the bus we went ! Home time ! 

That's pretty much sum up my first day of Uni. Now, time for a two days gap until I go back to conquer more of that place. 

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