Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Centreshit ! 
Nothing much happened today. I went to work in the morning and it was alright, spent most of the time studying my Personal Trainer Course and also looked through some lecture slides for Uni. Around 2:30pm-ish, I asked my uncle if I could go to Centrelink to asked them about why haven't I been getting any money for 2 months. 

While I was there, I found out that I hate that place so so much omg ! So I was told to sit down and wait like everyone. I sat there until it hit 4pm and I was like, wtf so I just left cause I had to get back to work. There wasn't much workers there too ! There was one point for like 5 minutes, no one was working there omfg ! They all went off for the short lunch break. And to add to it ! Like 10 people who came into Centrelink after me got their name called out before me ! W.T.F ! What happened to the queue? 

So pretty much, to sum this up, I was at Centrelink for an hour and a half doing nothing at all ! My phone also died so I just sat there waiting and ancipatiing for my name to be called out. Wasted valuable time of my life ! Time is money guise ! Also left my uncle to work for an hour and a half by himself. I HATE CENTRELINK WITH MY COLD BLOODED HEART ! </3

Came home and did one exams for PT and yaay ! Passed with flying colours ! Work again tomorrow and I don't feel like going to Centrelink again sighh. Might just call them up. 

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