Sunday, February 16, 2014

Den sen

Yum !
First day back at Thieu Nhi today and damn ! It was hectic ! I was put into the admin team which consit of collecting forms, money and filling in the excel word file ! So much parents came and it was so hectic and busy ! Also confusing at the same time too ! 

When we all gathered, I was introduced as one of the big five zzz I don't wanna be one of them but oh well ! Also was introduced as the Head Teacher of Tuoi Tho (Pink group). Tuoi Tho conist of grade ones and twos. There wasn't much of them today. Only 16 :) Good for one class ! Introduced myself and set rules for them. Also found out they prefer me talking in viet than English :L haha 

They are cuties ! We have this one kid named "Sonic" (I know right, that's an awesome namee!) He's a pretty troublesome kid atm, kept running around and doing whatever he wants ! The little girls are cute and they listen to mee ! LG Slayer right here ! nah jokes ! 

After Thieu Nhi, we had a meeting but I had to leave early to go to the Valley with my parents and step grandma. Well, we were meant to go together but they dropped me off at the Valley alone and headed to Dfo and the airport to drop of my step grandma who is heading back to Melbourne. 

I was forever alone in the Valleeeey ! Went to get Chinise herb and medicine for my wrist then chilled and ate at Boost alone :( Walked around the valley exploring and just chilling until my parents was done shopping so they can come and pick me up on the way home. Before we got home, we dropped by Officeworks for a few stationary for my daddy and I. 

Church later on at night then I went to eat Milany with Nam's family. Kien also came alone ! The icecream was so yummy but I think we over bought too much. Couldn't finish it even though it was ice cream :( I can always finish ice cream but today was a nup ! We chilled and talk about many things ! Good night I must say ! 

Another week of holidays until Uni starts ! Gotta start preparing my mental state and mind for it ! 

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