Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tuoi Tho

Work today was pretty chill. Ronnie, Mande, Tp came out to chill. We just talked and muck around until Randy and I had customers :( After work, I instantly did my Tuoi Tho (Pink group) Timetable for Thieu Nhi since I am the Boss of the pinks :L Took me awhile to do it. After I finished, I called for a Tuoi Tho meeting. 

I decided to go eat desserts and discuss matters :) Always need food to talk ! We went to JustSoy Cafe and Maccas across the street. It was a good talk ! Well, it was more like a meeting but still fun nevertheless.

First day of Thieu Nhi tomorrow and I still have jobs to finish right now but I am soo damn lazy after having desserts :( Someone do my work for meeee ! I better start sleeping early from now on so I can get this stupid sleeping pattern away from me ! Gotta brace myself for Uniiiii ! 

I just found out I am really poor ! Checked my bank account and omg ! whyyy?! Gotta start saving up soon ! 

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