Sunday, February 23, 2014

Running Man - Australia

Woke up at 4am and omg, the struggles of waking up so early when you slept at 1am ! It was kinda cold-ish at that time. Got ready and stuffed myself with an Up & Go for some super energy in the early morning. Ronnie arrived quite shortly after I got ready and drove us off to the airport ! The Running Man hunting crew consist of Ronnie, Myself, Mande, Vinh and Neilson. It was our time to shine and hunt down these Korean Running Man's who has infiltrate our country ! STRAYA C*NT !

When we arrived, we thought we were abit early but damn ! The crowd of asians was everywhere ! It wasn't really empty and it also wasn't super packed. While waiting for them famous people to come, I got a text from my brother asking me to tell my parents that he's going to the airport to pick up someone from America. I was like wtf, "I am at the airport too !" He then said "wtf" and it just got awkward LOLOL. 

While waiting, alot of white people came out from the international airplanes into the terminal and faced a crowd of screaming asians. They must had been like "wtf" and kinda piss aswell but ohwell, The airport is now part of the asian territory. 

A long wait took place and then bam ! SCREAMS EVERYWHERE ! I SAW THEM ! OMG ! RUNNING MAAAAN ! They looked so coool and awesome ! My life is complete now ! I can rest in peace ! Didn't get to see Ji Hyo though cause she couldn't make it early and had to come later :( I WANTED TO SEE HER SO BAD !! Oh well, the other members was good ! 

Before we headed home, we went for a quick breakfast run at maccas cause our budget didn't allow us to get anything else. Came home and prepared for Thieu Nhi. Taught the little kids again and it was tiring but fun ! They are so kyoooot ! We had a short meeting after Thieu Nhi which was good. 

I went back for a second trip to see them Running Man with Hoa, Binh and Vi Dang. Drove all the way to Gold Coast and to Palm Beach and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. We mainly waited for the Sanctuary and them, we saw their cars and everything. Alot of people were waiting with us. Even Danh and his siblings were there. We waited and waited and saw them set up cameras and Mic around the area. Also saw them setting up a stage there too ! 

More waiting and more waiting then bam ! We show that bus that carried the Running Man members but when they were about to get off, they took a detour and we think they took the back exit into the Sanctuary while we were stuck outside cause we didn't have enough time to pay and go in as Hoa and Vi had to be home before 6 and the drive back takes like an hour and a half :( Didn't see them but oh well, it was still fun ! 
Came home to dinner with my mummy, brother and his girlfriend. It was okay ish. Omg, I am tired and gotta sleep early tonight ! Got University for the first time tomorrow ! I can't afford to fall alsspe on the first lectures and workshop ! Gotta be strong and stay awake ! Also FOCUS !!

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