Sunday, March 2, 2014

Find You



It's Autumn now and it is still is hot as me ! I would rather the cold then the heat ! Had work today and that was boring :( After work, I got ready and went to pick up Randy to go to Mande's 20th Birthday Dinner at Morrison. We thought we were going to arrived there abit late but it turns out, we were the first one there and we also got the best parking out of everyone ! 

Morrison should make their parking better aye ! It's so small and everything ! We went into the birthday room and watied for the rest to came. Chill and talk while eating our yummy steaks ! They changed the wall of the room and it was filled with porno photos everywhere ! LOL Best place to celebrate a person ! 

She also wore on the dress that Randy and I got her :) After dinner, a few of us headed to Ronnie's for games night and we placed this new game called "Alliance" and it was actually really fun and intense :)


I got woken up early in the morning cause my whole family was awake watching Tv and making noise. got ready for Thieu Nhi and there I went. Got there abit early though and just sat there LOL. It's really tiring teaching grades 1 and 2 but the good thing is that I have the energy for that :) Gave them lollies today and they were super happy that they wanted seconds... Which means, I gotta spend more money on lollies !  

After Thieu Nhi I took my cousins to tutor while everyone else was practicing in the choir. Came back there and did some small planning with Phap for our LBM and had a meeting with everyone while eating alot and when I say alot, I meant ALOT of fish and chips :L 

After everyone was over, I went to pick up my cousin, Anthony and we headed to Sunnybank. I handed my Resumes into Funhouse cause they were looking for casual workers. Chilled around there and also bumped into Thuan Tu there. Talked to him for abit before I left. I was feeling so tired so I came home and Ko'ed until it was church time. Church was long since we said farewell to our two priest and welcomed the new priests. Had dinner there and chilled there pretty much before I went to Maccas with Anh Phap and Tham to discus some more LBM stage design. 

Uni tomorrow which means I gotta wake up early then study my ass off ! :( 

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