Monday, March 31, 2014


Woke up really early and got ready for my early uni start. But after I got fully ready, I thought to myself that If I go, I would have a two hours break but if I stayed home, I could do 4 hours of work :) So I stayed home  and skipped my first lecture and decided to go to my other lectures and workshop later :L 

Omg ! On the way to Uni today via the Inala bus. Our bus came into an incident at Oxley near the Temple. There were so many police cars and motorbikes. The bus almost hit like two of them while in the traffic lights :( I also witnessed a gunshot into the police car. It seems like some teenagers stole some utes and went on a hit and run chase. Scary hey ! Everyone on the bus was so scared :L HAHAHA. I was pretty calm tbh. Here's the link to the news about this Inala incident.  -Click here- There were also so many policeman chasing after the stupid teenagers.

University was really really boring today. I died and since my foot was aching. I couldn't walk properly :( That walk from Matter hospital to Z block was one of the most painful walks I had done in my life. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rise Up

Tony's & Denis 20th !! 
It would had been a really good day to sleep in today but I had to wake up and get ready for Thieu Nhi. It was an average day today there !  I even had time during breaks to chill and relax which was good :) Afterward, I called for a short meeting with Ban Ky Thuat (Technical Team) to tell them the plans for our stage designing for the upcoming LBM. 

After planning, most of us headed to Inala for lunch again. Andy shouted a few of us since we were going to teach him and learn his dance for his wedding after lunch. Thanks Andy ! A few of us headed back for some practice and it was good ! learnt like 20 seconds of it and now, we just gotta practice and make it really clean. 

I went home afterward cause I was so tired and took a long as nap ! I am too lazy to do any study tonight so I will leave all the study to tomorrow which means, heaps of work to do tomorrow :/

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today I had work again and it was alright. I managed to dragged Thuan Tu out and have a catch up with him while I work :L Hoc also came out to chilled for abit. Vi also chilled with me for awhile before she had to go back to work.

After work, my family went to a party while I was left at home to hunt my own food so I called up a few people and we went out to eat Sushi at Sakura Sushi which was yummy ! After feeding our tummy, we went over to Oops for some deep fried ice cream ! The waiting for it was long but it was worth it ! Yummy ! Also bumped into Huy and his girlfriend there. 

After dessert, we went and get some snacks at Crispy Express and pretty much chilled and talk. It was fun with this group of people who I haven't been out with in awhile. Oh the people that went was Randy, Kristy and Johnnie. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


Today I decided not to go to work so I can stay at home to rest and do some study :) Got some study done which was good :) I also cleaned abit of my messy room ! Afterward, I went out to Inala to pick my daddy up who's playing Chinese chess zzz so I had to wait for him to finish playing some games. While waiting, I chilled with Randy, Tony and Ronnie and we just talked :L 

I don't really talk about gym in my blog but I bumped into Teresa today and worked out with her for abit before we both headed home. Took her home safe and sound before I came home to my lovely bed that was waiting for me to sleep on. Got woken up during a good dream to have dinner and go to church. 

After church, Phap and I went to get Nando's and went back to mine for a meeting for the LBM stage. We managed to design alot and get alot of ideas ! It seems like, it's going to be alot and when I said "alot' I MEANT ALOT of work :( We need more capable people to build and design :( 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wolf is Stupid

Woke up really early to go to my 8am start today but after getting ready, I weren't in my mood to do anything so I skipped it and studied abit at home before I headed up to Uni for my tutorials. The tutorials was so boring and I didn't eat anything all day ! 

After I finished all my classes with Leon, I went up to the study room that someone booked out for the Corinda kids :L It's good to be together with a group of friends :) Reminds me of high-school :L We were there for awhile before we all left and headed home. 

Oh and the rain today was cray cray ! Good thing I brought my umbrella with me today :) It's starting to get cold nowdays which means, new clothings to wear :) 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Yum ! 
I had work again today and it was okay. Went to EB Games with Randy and Tony to look at games... Nek minnit, those two bought games :L After work, I went to the doctors with mummy to get my winter needle :( I hate needles but I can tank them if I don't look at it :L 

Later on during the night, I went over to Thang's to learn a dance with him. Also reformeted his computer and chilled with Vi while I was doing it. It was quite productive :) I think I've learnt 1/5 of the dance :L Another 4/5 to gooo ! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Never Let Go

I'm glad you're in my life to listen to me :)
I went to work today and it was alright :) Spent most of the time chilling with Tony since we were so bored working next to each other.  Hieu also came out to chill for awhile before we both closed down. I went over to Randy's tonight to chill and eat Sandwiches with Ronnie, Mande and Tp. We were doing cosplay, playing Yugioh and just talking :L It was kinda fun ! Also did some stage planning while I was over there and got a few ideas in my head. 

Another day at work tomorrow which means more money :) but then less time to enjoy life :( 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Habits Of My Heart


21/03/14 - Friday

I stayed up last night and ko'ed at like 3am or sometime around then. Hoa came over in the early morning to get his money off Thieu Nhi then we drove around Inala. He drove his bike while I was behind him in Alexia (Mah car). It was funny how he drove :L We stopped by at Leon to chilled for abit before Leon drove us to Qut for uni. The 10% exam that Leon and I did was hard LOL but hopefully we managed to get some points for it. 

Afterward, I met up with Tien at city to go shopping for Tony's present. We bought him a Ben Sherman polo :) It looks nice ! I chilled at Inala for awhile with my aunty since I was lazy to walk home in this heat. Ended up walking home anyways :L Came home and did some chores before I got ready for Tony's 20th Birthday tonight. Tien picked Myvy, John and myself up and we parked at QUT. Celebrated Tony's at Shabu Shabu house and the food was okay. I don't think it was worth it though but still good moments with friends : )

After dinner most of us headed to Queen's Karaoke for some singing and drinking ! I finally drank again ! Yaaay ! It was heaps of fun ! So much singing and drinking ! YOLO ! Drink allnight ! The toilet was gross since it couldn't flush but yolo, pee'd anyways ! Denis was gone and we had to call an ambulance for him :L Since he wanted one to come LOL. I caught the bus back to Randy's with Ronnie and Mande. We chilled at Randy's until Anthony took us home. 

I couldn't sleep at all cause of all that alchy :( NEEDED THAT SLEEP SO BAD ! 

22/03/2014 - Saturday

I had work today and it was tiring since I had no sleep whatsoever ! Right after work, I got called out to play Tenis with Phap and Andy. It was soo fun ! We even played Handball tenis ! Later on, we went to had a light snack at maccas. While we were eating, one of the workers who was carrying food out dropped 2 drinks so we helped her then she dropped more. My shirts got all dirty but all well, helping out is worth more than my shirt :) She seems so sad :( Hopefully she doesn't get in trouble much. I think her name was Thuy :( Poor girl ! 

I came home and shower and went straight over to Vinh's with Randy to play Yugioh :L It was fun ! We also helped Vinh out with his Uni Project :) it was actually quite fun since it make you think alot. We had maccas and brought it to the lake to chilled and eat. Had a good dnm afterward with them two fellas ! Long talk :L hahaha.

23/03/2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was tiring today ! Maybe it was cause of the slack of sleep I had or maybe I wasn't feeling good :L Dunno ! After Thieu Nhi, we had a long meeting then most of us went out to Inala for Lunch then a few came back to mine to chill before we headed out to play Tenis. There was more people this time and it was still fun :) I had to leave to go to church at night. After church, I chilled back there and ate dinner since we had food :L Went for desserts at maccas after then home it was ! 

24/03/2014 - Monday

I woke up early to get ready for Uni then I was like nah, gonna skip the first lecture cause I was urber tired so I went back to bed :L Went to Uni at one today and it was boring ! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Without you

City Lights !
Another day at Uni, another progress in life :) After my first Lecture, I met up with Myvy and Lynn to have lunch together. Lynn ate her salad while myvy and myself went to get a Kebab Lunch box each. It was so big for a small size. We couldn't finish it :L Tai come a while after then I left to go to tutorial which was boring but time flew by fast :) 

Met up with Leon and Garry at Sblock and they were playing LoL :L Haven't seen Gary in so long so that was a good catch up :) After my tute with Leon, We went to eat at the city before both of us split up to home. I went window shopping for Tony's and Denis gift and managed to check on prices and stuff. Going to go get it tomorrow. 

When I came home, I ko'ed for like an hour or so. Was so goddamn tired and had an headache all day and it still haven't gone away :( Woke up and started studying asap. Cramming alot tonight ! Haven't done this in sooo long ! It's so lonely cramming late night now days :( I need motivation ! First maths exam tomorrow :S Good thing is that it's only worth 10% and if I failed, I can still catch up on the final but I want this 10% !!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Feel

I had my very first prac at Uni today and it was alright. Lots of work done and I managed to get a 6.5/7 which is still good ! Wanted that 7 though. After the prac, I walked to the city to get Mos Burger to eat since I was craving it. Walked all the way back to Uni and studied with Leon in Sblock Level 5. It was a full computer room there with people playing LoL, DoTA, WoW and Yugioh :L We studied and did half of our quiz :) 

Tai, Oscar and Vinh came later and they played Yugioh with each other online :L It was funny ! Randy came a while later then we all left to go to the city. The other guys went to eat while Randy and myself went home since we weren't hungry. I didn't do much tonight, just chilled and watch movies. 

Come Up

Yaay ! Finally a day to rest at home ! A day off but I did some study when I woke up :) It was some good study too ! During studying, I got a text from Centrelink telling me to come and renew my Health care card... omg ! Why ! Not at this time but I needed my Health care card for my surgery next month so I went. Waited and waited again and again and finally it was my turn ! All I did was filled my name on the form and tick no for everything cause I don't have a partner or any source of income :L 

I came home and made a sandwich for lunch cause mummy said it was free for all during lunch. Gotta make myself food ! I was meant to study again but I had Treasurer stuff to sort out before tonight's meeting. While I was halfway through doing it, I went and picked Randy up and we went shopping at Dfo. I got new runners ! We browse around alot of shops trying stuff on. It was fun :) 

I came home and went back to treasurer business until I was finally done for 2014 report :) I gotta fix up 2013 report soon though. I've been to slack to do last year business. I had dinner at home with mah family then it was time to go to the meeting. Meeting was long and intense but it was worth it ! We talked through alot of stuff with the priest and we also failed at attempting to have mass every second week :( Gotta adapt to the new changes now and now, there is more work to do :( 

Afterward, we headed over to KFC cause ya know ! It was Cheap Tuesday ! The line was insane and waiting was long but our chicken came out :) While eating, we saw this lady car stopped functioning while she was in the drive through lane so we came out and help her push her car back into the parking spot and also try to fix her car. My hands got so dirty and black :( But at least my good deed for the day is done :)

Uni tomorrow and it's going to be my first ever prac and assessment. Hopefully I will do well in it :) Hope me luck guys ! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Never Be the Same

After I turned my alarm off this morning, I went back to sleep :( Lucky, my mind alarm was still on and I woke up and made it to my 9am Lecture this morning :) I Met Tracey on the bus to Uni. We walked across the Goodwill bridge together. 

Today was really boring ! I was a loner throughout the whole day :L During my two hours break, I did some window shopping since there wasn't anything else to do in the city besides shopping. Came home and pretty much chilled for awhile before I did some study ! Got abit done which was good. Tomorrow is going to be intense study day. Well, I hope it will be tomorrow ! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

You're The Voice

Nothing much happened today. I had Thieu Nhi today and gotta teach them kids again. They are starting to behave more now which is good :) During lunch time, I was sent on an errand to Havery Norman to get some stuff for mass. Came back just on time for mass :) 

After Thieu Nhi, Vincent and I smashed three of our PT exams :) One step closer to becoming a Pt :) Afterwards, I pretty much stayed home all day :L Didn't even study at all today. Took a nap today so I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight :( 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Drop Top

I had work again today and it went by pretty fast ! Maybe because I was reading High School of the Dead Manga :L It was so ecchi but still good ! During my lunch break, I bumped into Linh (Thu's aunty) and had a short talk to her before we both had to get back to work. 

I decided to stay home again tonight and studied abit but that "abit" turns out to be like 30 minutes :L Chilled and cleaned abit of my room. I gotta do my teaching plan for tomorrow class soon but I am soh da lazy bum right now :( Someone please motivate meee ! I also didn't even count the money tonight ! T_T

Party in Usa

Work today was alright. Did abit of study on my iPad which was good :) Good revision of all the lectures I went over the past weeks :) Thu came and visited for abit after she finished Uni. Awhile after Vincent came and chilled for abit. Saw Randy's face all day today. 

Didn't go out tonight and stayed home to study but only like 30 minutes of studying was done :L The rest was either, trying to study or watching movies. Gotta do more work tomorrow ! No more slacking off Lammie!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Life and Death

12/03/2014 - Wednesday

I took the day off from work today to go to QEII Hospital with my dad so they could check up on my wisdom teeth, turns out, I gotta get surgery soon to take both of them out :`( It's going to hurt ! Nooooo ! Went for some window shopping with daddy at Garden City until we headed back to Inala. 

Went to good old Centerlink to ask when I will get my next Health Care Card and they said it will come next week :) Came home and rest abit before I headed over to Chi Quynh to have dinner with a small amount of Thieu Nhi People and Cha Truc. Linh was the chief tonight and omgawd ! His Bun Bo Hue was one of the best eva ! It was so amazing in my mouth and all around ! THE BEST ! 

I was planning on heading early that night but we played Bingo and I was on a winning streak so I stayed and won money :) Dropped Pumba home before I headed home to chill and have a family talk with family about life and what not. I wanted that sleep cause 8am Lecture tomorrow :( 

13/03/2014 - Thursday

Early start today :( Made a new friends today in my 8am lecture, her name was Linda. I managed to gather a few people for one of my group assessment :) My gathering power of asians are the best 5eva ! During my break, I met up with Myvy and Lynn and we ate and chilled together until we had to split up. My first tute I had today was good :) learnt alot but it ended an hour earlier so I went up to the library to meet up with Myvy. Lynn, Jasmine and Tai came later on-wards. 

Had another tute with Leon and it was quite fun :) we played Human Bingo and we couldn't even find someone who is international LOL After the tute, Leon and I went to get our safety sticker for our prac then chilled with Tai and Myvy in the library before we headed off to go chill and eat. Hoa came and chilled with us.

Myvy and Tai went to their class and the three of us remaining went shopping in the city so Hoa could get his sport shoes for jogging. Yaay ! Go Hoaaa ! After browsing a few store, he managed to get a pair of good NB Shoes :) We met up with Vinh and home we went ! 

Running Man in Australia came out and omg ! I wasn't in it :( SO CUT ! There will always be another time for me when I go on my adventure to Koreaaa ! :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today, I went to the Valley to had another check up and get more medicine but before that, I watched a lecture before catching the bus to Uni. Hoa was on the bus ! When we got to uni, we parts ways and I headed up to Level 5 on the librabry to meet up with Myvy who was studying there. We studied together for like an hour before we took off to hunt for food ! 

We had kebabs and it was like one of the most not amazing food I have eaten at uni. It was so dry and hard to eat :( Both of us couldn't finish it. After eating, we went on an adventure to explore some parts of QUT then talked for awhile until Myvy had to go to her class. I took off to complete my mission of getting medicine in the valley. There was this one lady at the train station who was the biggest slut and would talk to anyone there. She even asked this guy for his number and also asked him if he wanted to go on a date.... awkies ! She got rejected though :L She was also abit rasist to this dark-skinned guy.... 

The check up went well and I got me medicine to fix me up :) Went window shopping and managed to get a tee from Adidas and a few stationary from Officeworks. Met up with Myvy again and we had Noggi ! It was so yummy ! I want Noggi everyday but I don't think my budget allows it :( We caught the bus home.

Before I headed home, I did some grocery shopping for mummy :) Had an two and a half hour tonight with BQT (Thieu Nhi Main 5) and it was good since we needed it but it was quite long :( 

No work and uni tomorrow but I have an appointment for my wisdom teeth tomorrow :( I think it was time I am getting too wise ! 

Monday, March 10, 2014


Thieu Nhi party with some Ex-Leaders :)
Today was quite a tiring day ! I didn't get much sleep last night cause I couldn't sleep at all and just rolled around mah bed. Had Uni today so caught the bus once again. While walking to Uni via the Goodwill Bridge, I bumped into Tracey :L Apparently she was on my bus haha. Got the my lecture on time and sat with Leon. He fell asleep like always :L The lecture was really boring until the fire alarm went on and we had to evacuate the area. 

We left and didn't know whether we had to go back to our lecture or not so we just went to the library to do some study. While studying or trying to, Ronnie came and we chilled there for awhile until we caught the city loop to go eat at Oporto cause Leon and I had this "buy one get one free Steak roll".Vinh came there also and the four of us ate our steak rolls :) Noggi was our next stop and the yogurt there was yummy ! I liked it :) 

We headed back to our lecture and also dragged Vinh with us. It was so boring and very basic ! Learning about gravity and acceleration :( It's the stuff we learnt throughout the whole high-school. After the lec, I headed to my tute and paid 100% concentration and got some work done :)

Finished Uni for the day yaaay but I went to the library to meet up with Myvy and do some intense hardcore studying for like an hour before we headed back to the city to go home. While walking to the bus stop, we bumped into Nam. Oh man, I haven't seen him in so long so it was a good catch up :) 

We got all at Inala and had maccas before going home. I took Myvy home safely then home I went ! watched one of my lecture tonight and did some studying which was good but there will be more to come ! Come at me QUT ! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Man With Soul


8/03/2014 - Saturday

Work was the usual same same. Nothing really excited happened during work. After work, I got home to seeing a few Thieu Nhi people at mine cause we were all gathering for a Thieu Nhi Bbq. This party was for the reunion of  some of the ex-leaders and the current leaders. 

It rained abit while we were cooking so we had to evacuate everything under the gazebo until it stopped raining. It only rained for like ten minutes ! We moved everything out afterward. Ate alot and had a good talk with pretty much everyone ! Also gambled with the priest and everyone ! We gambled till 1am. OMG ! I wanted to sleep but everyone was still over. 

After everyone left, Phap and Pumba stayed over to had a long us discussion with me and my brother about the future of Thieu Nhi and everything that was concerning Tn. There were alot of problems and we tried our best to figure out the best solution to execute. It was a super long talk and we ended up finishing at like 3:30ish. 

9/03/2014 - Sunday

Had only a few hours of sleep until it was time to get ready and go to Thieu Nhi. Today was our Openning Ceremony and also the Birthday of our Saint. Saint Savio ! My combined my class with Phap class and we played games throughtout the day. Everyone got a free plate of food and drinks :) There break wasn't long because it was about to rain and Anh Phap and I called for a small meeting that we should move the kids over to the church asap before the rain came. 

Moving them took awhile but it went well ! We had mass and we prepared everything for the mass :) Even the choir ! They singing was long but it was good ! After we finished, I took my cousin to tutor and chilled with Thieu Nhi people before going to pick him up again. Came home and took a quick nap. Did some light study tonight but I need to do more tomorrow ! Hopefully I get alot done tomorrow :) Early Uni start too :( 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Bad Intentions

Sorry I didn't post yesterday ! Came home kinda late and jumped straight to bed. 


Had an early uni start today and I really really hate 8am lectures :( Why you have to be so early for!? That two hours lecture was really boring but I must focus and I did :) After the lecture, I was walking to the cafeteria and bumped into Hong, Jasmine and Lynn. Lynn was also on break too so she went with me to eat and study in the library. I had to leave her alone and attend my tutorials. 

The first tutorial was good and we finished half an hour earlier :) Chilled with Randy and His architecture friends at the Botanic Bar for abit before I went to my next tutorial. I was with Leon and we met some new people. It was nice ! Also had some games at the start of the tute :) 

After I finished, I went window shopping by myself in the city and bumped into Kt who was also shopping :L I met up with Hoa afterward to watch 300 with him. The movie was good ! Alot of nudity though but movie wasn't boring at all :) 

Hoa drove me back to Inala where I picked up Alexia (Car) and took her home. Ate dinner then I got picked up by Kim to go watch Vampire Academy  with Thu, Linh and Hang. The movie was so boring but Kim bought me the ticket so it was worth it by I am not too sure if my time was worth it though. Came home and was lazy to go on my computer since it was late.


Skipped Uni today cause I only had an hour lecture. I stayed home and tried to get some study done and I did :) Only abit though but it was better than none ! Caught up on most of my movies and anime :) During the night, I had a LBM meeting and it was boring and cold since the air-con was full blasting ! Declined the invite to go out to South Bank and headed home. I was just chilling abit until Randy told me to come over to Anthony's place for a boys only drinking night. I totally forgot that it was today ! 

Got there and we just pretty much chilled then played Four Kings. I drank so much water cause I don't wanna drink alchy ! Needed that toilet so much ! I love the toilet now ! I went home early since I need to be home early now days ! Aren't staying out to late much anymore ! Aren't got the energy for that since I am not a teen anymore :( 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Work today was quite hectic in the morning. There was three people working too ! Uncle, Aunty and myself. We had to move and take stuff down cause the council told the whole Inala shopping center that they are only allowed to have a certain amount of space outside of their stores so the council marked yellows lines in every shop. 

It took us forever to move stuff around and take alot home ! Alot of other stores was also rearrange their items around too ! Good thing there wasn't much customers around while we were working our arse off on Ash Wednesday. Which means I was fasting and no meat at all ! No snacks too :( 

After work, I got ready for Ash Wednesday church and it didn't go for too long as I thought it would :) Chilled abit before I headed home to eat a big dinner since I won't be able to eat anything after the dinner until 12am tomorrow. Had dinner with family + uncle + Brother's gf. 

Tomorrow I had two tutes that I don't feel like going to but I must ! Went and dropped by Mande's to get one of the text book since she did that unit last year. Thank you Mandeee ! Time to study and become the very best !  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Take Me Higher

Last minute called into work today. It was really quiet so I spent the whole day reading manga there ! I love my iPad ! I can download manga at home and read them at work :) Mande and Pheobi came out and visit me for abit then I went back to my manga reading. Was reading all of Kingdoms and it was good ! Can't wait until the next chapter comes out.

I called for a Ban Ky Thuat Meeting tonight at my house to just tell everyone in the group what they would be expected to do and what they need to do for the upcoming weeks. Everyone came which was good :) Some came late though zzz The meeting went well since it was only the basic information meeting. 

I have work tomorrow again which means I don't have any days off this week :( 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Come Back Home

This morning before heading to Uni, I looked up at the sky and it felt like a normal hot day with the sun out so I took my umbrella out of my bag. That was a bad idea :( It started pouring alot during the bus trip so Leon and I decided to get off at the city and walk to uni from there. Our first lecture was kinda hard ish and I pay 100% attention to it :) 

We went off for lunch and had sushi and chilled under P block. Leon then went to toilet and he took ages. Turns out, his zipper on his pants broke HAHAHAHA it was so funny ! We then went to city to get him new pants and met up with Vinh. Chilled and went window shopping until we bumped into Hoaa ! 

Leon and I then had another lecture and it was so boring ! It was basics on speed and vectors :( Praya was also there with us. I had an hour break by myself after and just ate my fried rice I brought from home and chilled on level 6 at Z block. Seems like a good loner spot :) The rain was intense and I got soaked while walking to my workshop in B block. 

I actually learnt alot in the workshop :) All these maths knowledge came to meee :) Walked back to the city to catch the bus with Leon and Hoa. Kiet was also on that bus :L We all got off at Pa Hospital since Hoa's car was there and he drove us home :) Yay ! Thank you Hoaa ! 

My room is in an increable messy state atm and I really really need to clean it since there is a Big Thieu Nhi Party at mine this Saturday :( I hate party at mine cause I gotta clean and everything ! Arghhh ! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Find You



It's Autumn now and it is still is hot as me ! I would rather the cold then the heat ! Had work today and that was boring :( After work, I got ready and went to pick up Randy to go to Mande's 20th Birthday Dinner at Morrison. We thought we were going to arrived there abit late but it turns out, we were the first one there and we also got the best parking out of everyone ! 

Morrison should make their parking better aye ! It's so small and everything ! We went into the birthday room and watied for the rest to came. Chill and talk while eating our yummy steaks ! They changed the wall of the room and it was filled with porno photos everywhere ! LOL Best place to celebrate a person ! 

She also wore on the dress that Randy and I got her :) After dinner, a few of us headed to Ronnie's for games night and we placed this new game called "Alliance" and it was actually really fun and intense :)


I got woken up early in the morning cause my whole family was awake watching Tv and making noise. got ready for Thieu Nhi and there I went. Got there abit early though and just sat there LOL. It's really tiring teaching grades 1 and 2 but the good thing is that I have the energy for that :) Gave them lollies today and they were super happy that they wanted seconds... Which means, I gotta spend more money on lollies !  

After Thieu Nhi I took my cousins to tutor while everyone else was practicing in the choir. Came back there and did some small planning with Phap for our LBM and had a meeting with everyone while eating alot and when I say alot, I meant ALOT of fish and chips :L 

After everyone was over, I went to pick up my cousin, Anthony and we headed to Sunnybank. I handed my Resumes into Funhouse cause they were looking for casual workers. Chilled around there and also bumped into Thuan Tu there. Talked to him for abit before I left. I was feeling so tired so I came home and Ko'ed until it was church time. Church was long since we said farewell to our two priest and welcomed the new priests. Had dinner there and chilled there pretty much before I went to Maccas with Anh Phap and Tham to discus some more LBM stage design. 

Uni tomorrow which means I gotta wake up early then study my ass off ! :(