Thursday, March 13, 2014

Life and Death

12/03/2014 - Wednesday

I took the day off from work today to go to QEII Hospital with my dad so they could check up on my wisdom teeth, turns out, I gotta get surgery soon to take both of them out :`( It's going to hurt ! Nooooo ! Went for some window shopping with daddy at Garden City until we headed back to Inala. 

Went to good old Centerlink to ask when I will get my next Health Care Card and they said it will come next week :) Came home and rest abit before I headed over to Chi Quynh to have dinner with a small amount of Thieu Nhi People and Cha Truc. Linh was the chief tonight and omgawd ! His Bun Bo Hue was one of the best eva ! It was so amazing in my mouth and all around ! THE BEST ! 

I was planning on heading early that night but we played Bingo and I was on a winning streak so I stayed and won money :) Dropped Pumba home before I headed home to chill and have a family talk with family about life and what not. I wanted that sleep cause 8am Lecture tomorrow :( 

13/03/2014 - Thursday

Early start today :( Made a new friends today in my 8am lecture, her name was Linda. I managed to gather a few people for one of my group assessment :) My gathering power of asians are the best 5eva ! During my break, I met up with Myvy and Lynn and we ate and chilled together until we had to split up. My first tute I had today was good :) learnt alot but it ended an hour earlier so I went up to the library to meet up with Myvy. Lynn, Jasmine and Tai came later on-wards. 

Had another tute with Leon and it was quite fun :) we played Human Bingo and we couldn't even find someone who is international LOL After the tute, Leon and I went to get our safety sticker for our prac then chilled with Tai and Myvy in the library before we headed off to go chill and eat. Hoa came and chilled with us.

Myvy and Tai went to their class and the three of us remaining went shopping in the city so Hoa could get his sport shoes for jogging. Yaay ! Go Hoaaa ! After browsing a few store, he managed to get a pair of good NB Shoes :) We met up with Vinh and home we went ! 

Running Man in Australia came out and omg ! I wasn't in it :( SO CUT ! There will always be another time for me when I go on my adventure to Koreaaa ! :)

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