Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Work today was quite hectic in the morning. There was three people working too ! Uncle, Aunty and myself. We had to move and take stuff down cause the council told the whole Inala shopping center that they are only allowed to have a certain amount of space outside of their stores so the council marked yellows lines in every shop. 

It took us forever to move stuff around and take alot home ! Alot of other stores was also rearrange their items around too ! Good thing there wasn't much customers around while we were working our arse off on Ash Wednesday. Which means I was fasting and no meat at all ! No snacks too :( 

After work, I got ready for Ash Wednesday church and it didn't go for too long as I thought it would :) Chilled abit before I headed home to eat a big dinner since I won't be able to eat anything after the dinner until 12am tomorrow. Had dinner with family + uncle + Brother's gf. 

Tomorrow I had two tutes that I don't feel like going to but I must ! Went and dropped by Mande's to get one of the text book since she did that unit last year. Thank you Mandeee ! Time to study and become the very best !  

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