Monday, March 31, 2014


Woke up really early and got ready for my early uni start. But after I got fully ready, I thought to myself that If I go, I would have a two hours break but if I stayed home, I could do 4 hours of work :) So I stayed home  and skipped my first lecture and decided to go to my other lectures and workshop later :L 

Omg ! On the way to Uni today via the Inala bus. Our bus came into an incident at Oxley near the Temple. There were so many police cars and motorbikes. The bus almost hit like two of them while in the traffic lights :( I also witnessed a gunshot into the police car. It seems like some teenagers stole some utes and went on a hit and run chase. Scary hey ! Everyone on the bus was so scared :L HAHAHA. I was pretty calm tbh. Here's the link to the news about this Inala incident.  -Click here- There were also so many policeman chasing after the stupid teenagers.

University was really really boring today. I died and since my foot was aching. I couldn't walk properly :( That walk from Matter hospital to Z block was one of the most painful walks I had done in my life. 

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