Sunday, March 9, 2014

Man With Soul


8/03/2014 - Saturday

Work was the usual same same. Nothing really excited happened during work. After work, I got home to seeing a few Thieu Nhi people at mine cause we were all gathering for a Thieu Nhi Bbq. This party was for the reunion of  some of the ex-leaders and the current leaders. 

It rained abit while we were cooking so we had to evacuate everything under the gazebo until it stopped raining. It only rained for like ten minutes ! We moved everything out afterward. Ate alot and had a good talk with pretty much everyone ! Also gambled with the priest and everyone ! We gambled till 1am. OMG ! I wanted to sleep but everyone was still over. 

After everyone left, Phap and Pumba stayed over to had a long us discussion with me and my brother about the future of Thieu Nhi and everything that was concerning Tn. There were alot of problems and we tried our best to figure out the best solution to execute. It was a super long talk and we ended up finishing at like 3:30ish. 

9/03/2014 - Sunday

Had only a few hours of sleep until it was time to get ready and go to Thieu Nhi. Today was our Openning Ceremony and also the Birthday of our Saint. Saint Savio ! My combined my class with Phap class and we played games throughtout the day. Everyone got a free plate of food and drinks :) There break wasn't long because it was about to rain and Anh Phap and I called for a small meeting that we should move the kids over to the church asap before the rain came. 

Moving them took awhile but it went well ! We had mass and we prepared everything for the mass :) Even the choir ! They singing was long but it was good ! After we finished, I took my cousin to tutor and chilled with Thieu Nhi people before going to pick him up again. Came home and took a quick nap. Did some light study tonight but I need to do more tomorrow ! Hopefully I get alot done tomorrow :) Early Uni start too :( 

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