Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today I had work again and it was alright. I managed to dragged Thuan Tu out and have a catch up with him while I work :L Hoc also came out to chilled for abit. Vi also chilled with me for awhile before she had to go back to work.

After work, my family went to a party while I was left at home to hunt my own food so I called up a few people and we went out to eat Sushi at Sakura Sushi which was yummy ! After feeding our tummy, we went over to Oops for some deep fried ice cream ! The waiting for it was long but it was worth it ! Yummy ! Also bumped into Huy and his girlfriend there. 

After dessert, we went and get some snacks at Crispy Express and pretty much chilled and talk. It was fun with this group of people who I haven't been out with in awhile. Oh the people that went was Randy, Kristy and Johnnie. 

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