Monday, March 10, 2014


Thieu Nhi party with some Ex-Leaders :)
Today was quite a tiring day ! I didn't get much sleep last night cause I couldn't sleep at all and just rolled around mah bed. Had Uni today so caught the bus once again. While walking to Uni via the Goodwill Bridge, I bumped into Tracey :L Apparently she was on my bus haha. Got the my lecture on time and sat with Leon. He fell asleep like always :L The lecture was really boring until the fire alarm went on and we had to evacuate the area. 

We left and didn't know whether we had to go back to our lecture or not so we just went to the library to do some study. While studying or trying to, Ronnie came and we chilled there for awhile until we caught the city loop to go eat at Oporto cause Leon and I had this "buy one get one free Steak roll".Vinh came there also and the four of us ate our steak rolls :) Noggi was our next stop and the yogurt there was yummy ! I liked it :) 

We headed back to our lecture and also dragged Vinh with us. It was so boring and very basic ! Learning about gravity and acceleration :( It's the stuff we learnt throughout the whole high-school. After the lec, I headed to my tute and paid 100% concentration and got some work done :)

Finished Uni for the day yaaay but I went to the library to meet up with Myvy and do some intense hardcore studying for like an hour before we headed back to the city to go home. While walking to the bus stop, we bumped into Nam. Oh man, I haven't seen him in so long so it was a good catch up :) 

We got all at Inala and had maccas before going home. I took Myvy home safely then home I went ! watched one of my lecture tonight and did some studying which was good but there will be more to come ! Come at me QUT ! 

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