Monday, March 24, 2014

Habits Of My Heart


21/03/14 - Friday

I stayed up last night and ko'ed at like 3am or sometime around then. Hoa came over in the early morning to get his money off Thieu Nhi then we drove around Inala. He drove his bike while I was behind him in Alexia (Mah car). It was funny how he drove :L We stopped by at Leon to chilled for abit before Leon drove us to Qut for uni. The 10% exam that Leon and I did was hard LOL but hopefully we managed to get some points for it. 

Afterward, I met up with Tien at city to go shopping for Tony's present. We bought him a Ben Sherman polo :) It looks nice ! I chilled at Inala for awhile with my aunty since I was lazy to walk home in this heat. Ended up walking home anyways :L Came home and did some chores before I got ready for Tony's 20th Birthday tonight. Tien picked Myvy, John and myself up and we parked at QUT. Celebrated Tony's at Shabu Shabu house and the food was okay. I don't think it was worth it though but still good moments with friends : )

After dinner most of us headed to Queen's Karaoke for some singing and drinking ! I finally drank again ! Yaaay ! It was heaps of fun ! So much singing and drinking ! YOLO ! Drink allnight ! The toilet was gross since it couldn't flush but yolo, pee'd anyways ! Denis was gone and we had to call an ambulance for him :L Since he wanted one to come LOL. I caught the bus back to Randy's with Ronnie and Mande. We chilled at Randy's until Anthony took us home. 

I couldn't sleep at all cause of all that alchy :( NEEDED THAT SLEEP SO BAD ! 

22/03/2014 - Saturday

I had work today and it was tiring since I had no sleep whatsoever ! Right after work, I got called out to play Tenis with Phap and Andy. It was soo fun ! We even played Handball tenis ! Later on, we went to had a light snack at maccas. While we were eating, one of the workers who was carrying food out dropped 2 drinks so we helped her then she dropped more. My shirts got all dirty but all well, helping out is worth more than my shirt :) She seems so sad :( Hopefully she doesn't get in trouble much. I think her name was Thuy :( Poor girl ! 

I came home and shower and went straight over to Vinh's with Randy to play Yugioh :L It was fun ! We also helped Vinh out with his Uni Project :) it was actually quite fun since it make you think alot. We had maccas and brought it to the lake to chilled and eat. Had a good dnm afterward with them two fellas ! Long talk :L hahaha.

23/03/2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was tiring today ! Maybe it was cause of the slack of sleep I had or maybe I wasn't feeling good :L Dunno ! After Thieu Nhi, we had a long meeting then most of us went out to Inala for Lunch then a few came back to mine to chill before we headed out to play Tenis. There was more people this time and it was still fun :) I had to leave to go to church at night. After church, I chilled back there and ate dinner since we had food :L Went for desserts at maccas after then home it was ! 

24/03/2014 - Monday

I woke up early to get ready for Uni then I was like nah, gonna skip the first lecture cause I was urber tired so I went back to bed :L Went to Uni at one today and it was boring ! 

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