Monday, March 3, 2014

Come Back Home

This morning before heading to Uni, I looked up at the sky and it felt like a normal hot day with the sun out so I took my umbrella out of my bag. That was a bad idea :( It started pouring alot during the bus trip so Leon and I decided to get off at the city and walk to uni from there. Our first lecture was kinda hard ish and I pay 100% attention to it :) 

We went off for lunch and had sushi and chilled under P block. Leon then went to toilet and he took ages. Turns out, his zipper on his pants broke HAHAHAHA it was so funny ! We then went to city to get him new pants and met up with Vinh. Chilled and went window shopping until we bumped into Hoaa ! 

Leon and I then had another lecture and it was so boring ! It was basics on speed and vectors :( Praya was also there with us. I had an hour break by myself after and just ate my fried rice I brought from home and chilled on level 6 at Z block. Seems like a good loner spot :) The rain was intense and I got soaked while walking to my workshop in B block. 

I actually learnt alot in the workshop :) All these maths knowledge came to meee :) Walked back to the city to catch the bus with Leon and Hoa. Kiet was also on that bus :L We all got off at Pa Hospital since Hoa's car was there and he drove us home :) Yay ! Thank you Hoaa ! 

My room is in an increable messy state atm and I really really need to clean it since there is a Big Thieu Nhi Party at mine this Saturday :( I hate party at mine cause I gotta clean and everything ! Arghhh ! 

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