Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today, I went to the Valley to had another check up and get more medicine but before that, I watched a lecture before catching the bus to Uni. Hoa was on the bus ! When we got to uni, we parts ways and I headed up to Level 5 on the librabry to meet up with Myvy who was studying there. We studied together for like an hour before we took off to hunt for food ! 

We had kebabs and it was like one of the most not amazing food I have eaten at uni. It was so dry and hard to eat :( Both of us couldn't finish it. After eating, we went on an adventure to explore some parts of QUT then talked for awhile until Myvy had to go to her class. I took off to complete my mission of getting medicine in the valley. There was this one lady at the train station who was the biggest slut and would talk to anyone there. She even asked this guy for his number and also asked him if he wanted to go on a date.... awkies ! She got rejected though :L She was also abit rasist to this dark-skinned guy.... 

The check up went well and I got me medicine to fix me up :) Went window shopping and managed to get a tee from Adidas and a few stationary from Officeworks. Met up with Myvy again and we had Noggi ! It was so yummy ! I want Noggi everyday but I don't think my budget allows it :( We caught the bus home.

Before I headed home, I did some grocery shopping for mummy :) Had an two and a half hour tonight with BQT (Thieu Nhi Main 5) and it was good since we needed it but it was quite long :( 

No work and uni tomorrow but I have an appointment for my wisdom teeth tomorrow :( I think it was time I am getting too wise ! 

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