Friday, March 7, 2014

Bad Intentions

Sorry I didn't post yesterday ! Came home kinda late and jumped straight to bed. 


Had an early uni start today and I really really hate 8am lectures :( Why you have to be so early for!? That two hours lecture was really boring but I must focus and I did :) After the lecture, I was walking to the cafeteria and bumped into Hong, Jasmine and Lynn. Lynn was also on break too so she went with me to eat and study in the library. I had to leave her alone and attend my tutorials. 

The first tutorial was good and we finished half an hour earlier :) Chilled with Randy and His architecture friends at the Botanic Bar for abit before I went to my next tutorial. I was with Leon and we met some new people. It was nice ! Also had some games at the start of the tute :) 

After I finished, I went window shopping by myself in the city and bumped into Kt who was also shopping :L I met up with Hoa afterward to watch 300 with him. The movie was good ! Alot of nudity though but movie wasn't boring at all :) 

Hoa drove me back to Inala where I picked up Alexia (Car) and took her home. Ate dinner then I got picked up by Kim to go watch Vampire Academy  with Thu, Linh and Hang. The movie was so boring but Kim bought me the ticket so it was worth it by I am not too sure if my time was worth it though. Came home and was lazy to go on my computer since it was late.


Skipped Uni today cause I only had an hour lecture. I stayed home and tried to get some study done and I did :) Only abit though but it was better than none ! Caught up on most of my movies and anime :) During the night, I had a LBM meeting and it was boring and cold since the air-con was full blasting ! Declined the invite to go out to South Bank and headed home. I was just chilling abit until Randy told me to come over to Anthony's place for a boys only drinking night. I totally forgot that it was today ! 

Got there and we just pretty much chilled then played Four Kings. I drank so much water cause I don't wanna drink alchy ! Needed that toilet so much ! I love the toilet now ! I went home early since I need to be home early now days ! Aren't staying out to late much anymore ! Aren't got the energy for that since I am not a teen anymore :( 

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