Friday, March 21, 2014

Without you

City Lights !
Another day at Uni, another progress in life :) After my first Lecture, I met up with Myvy and Lynn to have lunch together. Lynn ate her salad while myvy and myself went to get a Kebab Lunch box each. It was so big for a small size. We couldn't finish it :L Tai come a while after then I left to go to tutorial which was boring but time flew by fast :) 

Met up with Leon and Garry at Sblock and they were playing LoL :L Haven't seen Gary in so long so that was a good catch up :) After my tute with Leon, We went to eat at the city before both of us split up to home. I went window shopping for Tony's and Denis gift and managed to check on prices and stuff. Going to go get it tomorrow. 

When I came home, I ko'ed for like an hour or so. Was so goddamn tired and had an headache all day and it still haven't gone away :( Woke up and started studying asap. Cramming alot tonight ! Haven't done this in sooo long ! It's so lonely cramming late night now days :( I need motivation ! First maths exam tomorrow :S Good thing is that it's only worth 10% and if I failed, I can still catch up on the final but I want this 10% !!

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